
It is not in the Pearls or Gold

And women should dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or peals or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 1 Timothy 2:9-10

I love my high heels. I love nice necklaces. I love make-up and the possibilities of it. I love dressing up with printed fabric and the more color, the better. So when I came across this verse, it stopped me dead in my tracks.
A twinge of rebelliousness came over me questioning whether this verse was applicable to this modern day and age.

As I pondered more on its meaning, and read the entire context, I realized that God is not urging us to throw out our entire wardrobe, but to acquire spiritual characteristics that will outlast any pump, necklace, or dress. Characteristics that are found in the heart when Jesus resides in it.

If we as women profess to worship God, then so it be shown in our actions.

Modesty in the way we speak to bless others, instead of using spiteful words.
Propriety in praying for those who have hurt you, as it is the same manner Jesus had.
Quietness to hear God's voice for our lives and submission to His word proclaiming Him Adonai.

Upon meeting people they may not remember what color dress you wore, if you wore pearls or gold. They will however, remember our gentle spirit, modesty, trustworthiness, and propriety that God himself delights in.

Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.- 1 peter 3:4


God Almighty, how great and thoughtful is your work that you have created men and women different in every way. You have given us women, a gentle softer voice and manner for a reason.
Remind us that as women we should act in the way that you urge us to be. Help us recognize when we are using a malicious tongue, or adorning ourselves with things that do not please you. Help us all be more like you.


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