
Painful Training

'The Lord has given you the bread of trouble and water of suffering. But He, your Teacher, will nto hide Himself any more. Your eyes will see your Teacher.' Isaih 30:20

I'm not a big fan of working out. The feeling of my muscles screaming out is not on my top 10 favorites.
Therefore, when I hear someone expressing their gratitude to their personal trainer for a tough workout, I secretely wonder if the comment is more on a sarcastic note. That is until I begin noticing a diference on that person's physique.

The grueling workouts and the limited intake on non-healthy choices pays off.

And then it's understood, that the affection for the trainer is not for the pain caused, but for the teaching it brings on reaching a goal with discipline.

What spiritual goals that need discipline do you have today?

For some it may be to learn patience. It may be to attain faith that doesn't falter. Others still may be to grow closer to His heart.

Whatever that spritual goal is, the Father knows it. In fact in some cases, we may not even know what our goal needs to be in order to have the character that the Lord wants from us. He, however, knows it all. He knows what our soul needs to be strong and healthy to not dismay. Because that is so, He Himself will administer bread of adversity and drink of suffering.

The trials and tests that He allows into our life, are not to hurt us, although they do bring pain during the process. He allows us to walk through fire and taste the bitterness that life can sometimes bring to only achieve a result that no one else can give us.

Who can we learn from best to attain patience, and faith from the one who is ever so patient with our transgressions and forever faithful to His word.

In that day we will meet our Teacher face to face, and express our gratitude for the suffering and trials that He allowed, in order to bring us closest to Him.


Lord, sometimes it is difficult to understand why things must work out the way that they do. In our minds, we like to believe there must be an easier way. However, help us remember that your ways and thoughts span a greater purpose and no one else is wiser than you. So take me to where you feel is best for my faith and love for you to grow.


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