"Who am I, Oh Lord God, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?" 1 Chronicles 17:16
We all are familiar with the saying: 'don't judge a book by its cover.' It cautions us to not make assumptions on people before reading their contents - getting to know them.
If we were a book, what genre would we be?
Some would be a suspensful mystery, others an inspirational book. There may be othes that could fall into a romantic-comedy genre, or perhaps a horror-thriller.
If God's grace depended on our contents, how much more or how much less gracious would He be?
King David, must've looked at the contents of his book over and over to help him understand what God must've seen to place Him in a position that in his own eyes, did not deserve.
Looking at his contents, there was murder, adultery and selfishness. Surely these characteristics could only have gotten the Lord to shut the book in anger and disappointment. Instead, God far from placing the book back in the shelf, kept reading. He in addition picked up a pen and added chapters to David's book to fulfill what God had prepared for him.
In a mere human sight, there was nothing attractive or impressive that David had done. His physique alone, disqualified Him to be a ruler. His actions did not show the integrity people would want in a king. His cover and contents were enough to put him in the back of the bookstore shelves. God's grace however, is what led Him to the very back of that bookstore. In his repentance and humility, David learned to listen and acknowlege God as the author of life.
No, there isn't anything about us that is impressive or attractive to the mere human sight. Most of our contents too would make a reader blush or become outraged. Surely contents that do not deserve an abundance of blessings that the Lord pours out each day, much less the priviledge of being called His own.
Yet God takes our book in His hands and pens new chapters with beautiful contents waiting to be lived out.
We may look at ourselves and see nothing that God can be pleased with or be able to use, but the wonderful truth is that God sees us differently. It was through those merciful eyes that He saw desperate souls in need of a Savior. It is through those eyes that He sees blank pages that need a happy ending.
Many times I've asked King David's question: What do you see in me O Lord, to be this good to me?
His answer: 'Your overwhelming need for constant mercy, forgiveness, and grace.'
Father, it is true. Nothing can even begin to measure your love and compassion. Your concern for us is beyond human understanding and there is nothing I can ever do to repay you. Allow me to forever be in your presence where Your abundant grace unfolds and reminds me that without you, I am nothing.
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