' I have not dwelt in a house from the day I brought the Isralites up out of Egypt to this day. I have been moving from place to place with a tent as my dwelling.' 2 Samuel 7:6-7
Moving I dislike. Not moving around, but moving to a different home.
It'd be great if someone else could come in and do the dirty work for me. Moving, however, entails cleaning, finding long - lost forgotten things, organizing, and packing.
There's hard work involved that cannot be avoided when that move is necessary. Hard work is needed when it needs to be done right. Hard work is needed, as it is with our hearts.
God sees it. That move-in that's necessary and doesn't waste time.
In all His glory and majesty, He chooses to dwell in our heart, among us. He's never required for us to clean it, adorn it, or build it ourselves. He sees the desperate need to move in and move us to a better place.
As soon as He steps in the door, His grace cleanses us completely. He cleanses our tear stained cheeks. Removes all the rubble from the time after time, our heart has been broken.
He scrubs away the stains that our mistakes have left.
He comes in to organize our emotions which have all been scattered around, leaving us confused, with feelings of fear and unworthiness.
As He does this, He begins to find that long - lost forgotten smile that used to light up our eyes. He finds that warm spirit that longed to help others with kind words, acts of goodness, or that powerful prayer.
Finally, he tosses all the things in our life that are an obstacle in reaching Him, those things that keep chains on our feet from running to Him, into a box. He seals that box shut and tosses it as far as the east is from the west. (Psalms 103:12)
From the beginning of time, God has moved from heart to heart making changes within us to find reconciliation with Him.
He doesn't require that we travel thousands of miles to a place where He would be found. He comes to us. He hears the calling and moves right in.
There are thousands of hearts that need to make Him a home to dwell in. There's immense work to be done and He continually moves among us looking for an additional place to call home.
Will you open the doors to your heart today, and let Him do His work?
Will you tell others about His desire to dwell in theirs?
Allow for Him to come in and cleanse you. Allow for Him to organize your thoughts and ways. Allow Him to help you find that light that burned with passion once. Most importantly allow Him to erase your sins that torment you.
Allow Him to dwell with you.
Father, come into my heart. I've needed you since time begun. I need you now, and will need you forever. There are many things in my heart that need your grace and forgiveness. I acknowledge you as my God and the only one that can do so. Take me in today and allow my heart to be a dwelling for you, O Lord.
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