
The apple of His eye

He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye’ Deuteronomy 32:10

Whether it’s a new cheer she’s made up, a drawing she spent hours on, or just a story that lights up her eyes as she tells it, I’ve noticed my daughter longs for my attention in her every move. If I miss any of it, if I ask her to show me later, I see her frustration and her heart sadden. She craves that attention and expects it at that moment.
And don’t we all?
The Lord has definitely used my children to teach me a thing or two on how we as His children behave with Him. I crave God’s attention. I crave for Him to hear my stories, to see my dance as I twirl, my tears as my heart breaks. When I don’t feel His eyes on me, my heart saddens. I expect to hear His voice right then and there with the words that my heart wants to hear, and when I don’t my dreams seem to slip away.
It is in those moments that I begin to feel as though I am not important, or valuable. I begin to feel as though my prayers need to be put low on His priority list as there are others that need to be listened to, and my spirit fails. I begin to ignore the vibrant promises that tell me it is within His timing and not mine. I begin to feed into the lies of the one that tells me because of my wretched heart, I am not worthy to be noticed as His daughter.
But isn’t His truth far from this? We are not only His children. We are the apple of His eye. Cherished, loved passionately by a Father that will do anything to step in to defend us from lies that tell us otherwise.
I become so focused on how others show their attention that I expect to see it in the same form from my Father. How selfish of me to limit His affection towards me! He loves me and appreciates me far more than the people of this world. When I learn to shut off the distractions and focus only on Him, it becomes crystal clear that not only have His eyes always been on me, but that I am the apple of His eye.
From the minute I wake, throughout the night, when I lay my head to rest, I am loved and cherished by the One that gave it all, to have me by His side. I am indeed a precious possession the Lord Almighty. I am His child and in Him I find my worth.


Day 3: Rejoice, Rejoice

Hello friends! it is Friday, enough reason to be happy, right?

well we have come to the end of our study on this week's devotional based on the book of Job.

'though He slay me, yet I will hope in Him.' Job 13:15

We hope that God has used this to show you great things about trials and difficult times.
His Word says He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow so regardless of the type of storm you may be going through, God is there constant and in control.
Is that enough reason to rejoice, or what?

As we continue this path that we are on, with God by our side difficult times won't stop coming our way, but we can carry ourselves with less worry and more joy because we can always hope in Him.

Praised be His name!!


Day 2: Write it out.

We are forgetful beings. aren't we. Especially when things are tough, we like to zone in on the situation at hand.

Welcome back for study day 2 on our current devotional.

'though He slay me, yet I will hope in Him.' Job 13:15

Yesterday, we hashed it out with our emotions and asked God to deliver us and reveal to us the source of all our feelings when we are going through darkness. We forget during those times that His hand has always been present and zone in on how difficult our path is.

Take out your pen and paper people.

Today we are going to go through and exercise and write it out.
List the difficult situations that God has allowed to take place in your life.
Write out what your feelings were at the beginning of it all.
worry, anger, frustration may be some. I know those are mine.
Second, write out how it felt to come to the Lord for assurance.
Did you receive it, how?
When did you see God's answer to your questions, and if the questions have not yet been answered, how has He given you peace.
What emotions did you have when it was resolved, when you were out of the storm?

If God is the same God yesterday, today and tomorrow then your answers will be a lot like mine. God always showing faithfulness to His people.
Writing it out sometimes allows us to see His promises fulfilled when our emotions push them out of our memory.
But God is so good and never fails.


Day 1: Come Before Him

Good morning friends!

This week's devotional spoke to me in volumes. I hope that you might have been blessed by it as well.

'though He slay me, yet I will hope in Him.' Job 13:15

We discovered that even in the midst of our darkness, God is there.
Sometimes, it doesn't feel like it and sometimes we just want to blame Him.
It's a scary thought, to want to blame or be angry at the Creator of the universe, huh?

I'm sure you have been there at some point because when the pain is too hard to bear, it's easier to blame than to endure.

Today, we invite you to look past the anger and the pain.
Today we encourage you to come before the Lord and ask Him to allow you to feel His presence in that dark time that you may be going through, and that He may speak to you letting you know He is there.

Job came before God with many questions and pain, and God as faithful as He always is responded reminding him that He is I AM. (Job 38)

May your quiet time with Him be of immense blessing.


Though He Slay Me

'though He slay me, yet I will hope in Him.' Job 13:15

Complete darkness.

It is what surrounds those moments of complete devastation.
We've given our heart out, dared to dream higher than the stars, to be let down and to simply watch those dreams and hopes through our hands like sand.
And it hurts.

Growing up, I had an image of what my life would look like today. My life today doesn't look close to what my dreams were.
On some nights, the pain can cut real deep and in that darkness, I've dares to point my finger at God for allowing my unfortunate.

Job was in complete darkness and in physical and emotional pain, having lost all he had. Material belongings, his children and his health.
God had allowed the devastating events to invade his peace and his joy.
While his wife encouraged him to curse God, while His friends tried to make sense of it all, Job in his agonizing pain, held on to the hope of God in his immense grace to deliver him.

Many times when our life is extremely hard and troubles which we feel we cannot overcome, we feel it's easier to be angry at God or to question Him.
In the midst of everything, we fail to see that He's never lost control and we can still hope in Him.
Only God knows what He's taken away from your life.
Maybe it's a dream you've held on tightly to. A job you love that's been lost. Infertility may be your burden, or a broken marriage.

God time and time again had given favor to Job and this Job knew. There wasn't anyone else that he could place his trust in aside from God, even if it meant coming face to face with Him.

Whatever God has taken, He will give back with a greater blessing. Because even though He slay us, though He gives and takes away, our hope is secure in Him forever.


Day 2: Changes in the Making

Happy Thursday friends!

We hope that your week has been blessed and know that God is moving to do great things.

This week's devotional showed us the great work that has been given to us by God.

'for we are God's workmanship,created in Christ Jesus to do good works that God created in advance for us to do' Ephesians 2:10

On day 1, we focused on allowing the Lord to reveal to us the things that hold us back from completing those good works. Timidness, judgement can be some.

With what God has revealed to you, we pray that today you set it aside to ask His guidance for changes to make in removing those obstacles that have held you back before.

Have a pen  and paper ready as He guides through it and make the commitment to put those fears aside to begin your walk by His promise in reaching others that He's already set in your future paths.

Embrace the new changes. Although they may be out of your comfort zone, God will be there walking before you and give you the words and the actions to fulfill.


Day 1: What holds you back?

Good morning friends!

We're going to dive right in today.

This week's devotional had us take a look at the works that God has asked for us to since the beginning of time.

'for we are God's workmanship,created in Christ Jesus to do good works that God created in advance for us to do' Ephesians 2:10

Think of a time when the Lord directed someone to you, and in timidness you drew away.

Many things can influence or choice to either act or not to act.
-Pre-judgement of the person.
-Worry of our image.
-Feeling unprepared or inadequate.

Regardless of what holds us back, one thing is certain. An opportunity to shine the light of Jesus on someone is lost.

Today, I pray that we take some time to reflect on what has been holding us back to do the good works that God has prepared for us.
What prevents you from taking that step?

Come to the Lord in prayer and surrender, that He may reveal to us His answers and mysteries.

Have a blessed day friends.


Work left undone.

'for we are God's workmanship,created in Christ Jesus to do good works that God created in advance for us to do' Ephesians 2:10

It's happened more than once, and each time it frustrates me.
On the brink of running late, I will prepare breakfast for my husband and leave it in the microwave for him to simply re-heat it and enjoy it. Later in the morning, I will remember I didn't text him about it, and sure enough, he's left for work without realizing there was a healthy home-made breakfast for him to enjoy. My efforts seem wasted.

I wonder if this is how God feels at times.

I can look around on a normal day and see normal people, doing normal things. Commuting, shopping, holding conversations, etc.
What I'm looking at though, is the outside of things.
I can testify that on some of my saddest days, most people wouldn't know any better that I was in need of a n encouraging word.
Everyone is fighting a battle inside, whether it'd be due to a divorce, depression, work loss or family problems.

Some are able to hide it well, while the pain in others is more evident through drug abuse, alcoholism, homelessness are urgent cries for help. Whether they are screaming loud and clear or silent pleas for help, everyone needs their soul quenched with a hopeful message.

Maybe you can thing of a time where you felt compelled to speak to someone about the Lord, or you found yourself in a situation that required God's children at work.
Out of timidness, many choose no to act, and God';s work which he prepared for us to do in advance, goes undone. It goes enjoyed by Him to give Him glory, and it happens every single day.

As his children, our passion for humanity should be as big as His. Our heart should break for those that do not know of His grace or have to live each day not knowing there is hope.
We've been given the greatest privilege to know Him. It is time to share it with those in need of His presence in their lives. It is time for us, His workmanship to live out eh good works, that He's already set out for our life.


Day 2: Changes

Let's begin.

This week's devotional reminds us that we are no longer considered slaves to sin, but now can be called heirs of the Lord.

'Because you are His sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out Abba, Father. So you are no longer a slave but God's child; and since you are His child, God has also made you an heir.' Galatians 4:6-7

We hope that during yesterday's study time, the Lord was able to reveal to you the sin that you are still holding on to, making you still a slave. I pray that as He reveals to you what He wants you to let go of, that you will be able to surrender it to His feet.

During this day's study, we encourage you to ask the Lord in prayer how to go about it.
Change is not always easy, especially if it is something that you've held on to for a long time. Sometimes, we will try to make excuses and try to justify our actions, attempting to make them seem natural or not that bad.
How can you make the radical change to let go of that sin that still has you bound?

I hope that this day is filled with revelation from God to help you in turning that chapter in your life, and begin the story He has for you as His heir.


Day 1 Study: Letting God guide

Good morning friends!

Wherever you may call home, I hope you are enjoying a cooler morning today. The weather is just beautiful!

This morning we are going to begin with day 1 of our study questions based on:
'Because you are His sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out Abba, Father. So you are no longer a slave but God's child; and since you are His child, God has also made you an heir.' Galatians 4:6-7

On this week's devotional, God allows us to see that we've become not only His children, but also heirs to His goodness and what He has to offer. We are no longer slaves of sin.

It may be possible though, that despite of this powerful word God has given us, many of us walk around in shame feeling defined by the sin that lived in us. We refuse to forgive ourselves for it, and replay it in our minds and in our lives from time to time.

What is preventing you from letting go of that sin? What has you bound that prevents you from coming to His feet to surrender it all?

Acknowledging what part of your life you still hold on to and refuse to let go of, is one of the first steps to encountering holy surrender.
Place yourself in prayer today and allow the Lord to guide you in what still has you captive.

May this day be full of blessings.


Heirs to Grace

'Because you are His sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out Abba, Father. So you are no longer a slave but God's child; and since you are His child, God has also made you an heir.' Galatians 4:6-7

Whenever we visit family, unless it's my parents or sister, I always feel the need to use caution while in their home.
I don't feel entitled to just grab the remote and turn on the TV or wander into their fridge to satisfy any craving without asking permission first.
The answer I receive from them is always the same though, "of course, help yourself!"
When we're in a setting that doesn't belong to us, it's difficult to feel at ease and comfortable.
It takes the warmth and kindness of someone else to give you an inviting feeling.
Looking at our spiritual lives, it may be we've felt the same at a certain point.
Let's face it, we're flesh and because of it, we will fall and make mistakes.
When we recognize our mistake, it may sometimes get awkward or uneasy coming into the Lord's presence. After all, our sin must be marked all over our face!

A man I know, who use to have a developing interest in seeking God, said that he no longer tries to get closer in his spiritual walk, because if a sin that he committed in his past. It'd be too much hypocrisy to go back.
Sadly, he remains away from God's presence shackled by the chains of sin.
Little does that man realize, as many of us do, that God has a fridge filled with grace that He's just waiting for us to open and satisfy that craving of peace and forgiveness.
We visit His home with caution, because we feel it is not our place to seek Him or attempt an intimate relationship with Him.
If we would realize that we no longer are slaves to our sin, because Jesus has broken every chain, we would leap into His arms, and be surprised that no shackles are holding us back.
Instead we are heirs of all He has to offer because of grace. That amazing loving grace that although we can never repay, is being offered by the Lord to satisfy our souls each and every day.

We are no longer daughters and sons of sin. Our past sin no longer defines us, no matter what's been done. His promise, which we are heirs to because of Jesus Christ, redeems us and gives us a life of hope and peace.

How great is it to be called His children. The Maker of the universe, our Father.