
Work left undone.

'for we are God's workmanship,created in Christ Jesus to do good works that God created in advance for us to do' Ephesians 2:10

It's happened more than once, and each time it frustrates me.
On the brink of running late, I will prepare breakfast for my husband and leave it in the microwave for him to simply re-heat it and enjoy it. Later in the morning, I will remember I didn't text him about it, and sure enough, he's left for work without realizing there was a healthy home-made breakfast for him to enjoy. My efforts seem wasted.

I wonder if this is how God feels at times.

I can look around on a normal day and see normal people, doing normal things. Commuting, shopping, holding conversations, etc.
What I'm looking at though, is the outside of things.
I can testify that on some of my saddest days, most people wouldn't know any better that I was in need of a n encouraging word.
Everyone is fighting a battle inside, whether it'd be due to a divorce, depression, work loss or family problems.

Some are able to hide it well, while the pain in others is more evident through drug abuse, alcoholism, homelessness are urgent cries for help. Whether they are screaming loud and clear or silent pleas for help, everyone needs their soul quenched with a hopeful message.

Maybe you can thing of a time where you felt compelled to speak to someone about the Lord, or you found yourself in a situation that required God's children at work.
Out of timidness, many choose no to act, and God';s work which he prepared for us to do in advance, goes undone. It goes enjoyed by Him to give Him glory, and it happens every single day.

As his children, our passion for humanity should be as big as His. Our heart should break for those that do not know of His grace or have to live each day not knowing there is hope.
We've been given the greatest privilege to know Him. It is time to share it with those in need of His presence in their lives. It is time for us, His workmanship to live out eh good works, that He's already set out for our life.

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