
Put, put, put your love glasses ON!!

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13: 34-35

One of the hardest thing for me to succeed at in my spiritual walk with God is loving others as He does. I find it very easy to love those who love me. However, those who hurt, annoy me, and cause my heart to beat faster than it should, then make my eyes roll around as if I was having an exorcism, I find very hard to show my love as God has commanded me to do.

One day listening to Bekah Shae's song "put your love glasses on," I realized I wear my love glasses only 60% of the time. Now that's how much time I think I wear them, but I wonder how much time I truly wear them, and only God know's how long. I can confess that putting them on takes much longer than taking them off. When encountered by a rude sales person, or uncivilized shopper at the store, or a "rookie driver,"  I will take those love glasses off quicker than you can say, "Hello!"

My love glasses should not take that fast to come off, instead, they should remain on because God has commanded me to love one another. It is hard, but it is not impossible. So, I challanged myself to keep those love glasses on each time I encountered a difficult person. I have witnessed great results. I will be honest, I caved in and messed up a few times, but I jumped back up as soon as possible, and tried again. I'll share one expirience with you. About a week ago, I called an office and left a message with the receptionist. She told me I would get a call back. I waited that entire day and the next, and I still had not recieved a returned call. I called again, asking if the person I left the message for had recieved my message or was available to speak to. The receptionist got offended and said, "I gave her the message, and it takes 2 days for a returned call!" However, her tone was not pretty! I was ready to take my love glasses off, but left them on and very politley said, "Okay, no problem I will wait for a call back." The receptionist then replied, "Oh, or I can check if she is available, hold for just a second please(in a much nicer tone.)" I was suprised at how being kind when someone is being rude, can truly change the entire conversation from tense to relaxed.

God knew what He was talking about when He inspired these wise words through King Solomon, "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1

I leave you to take the challange. Number one, it is a command. Number two, can you say No to God? Number three, saying you love God is like a man saying He loves his wife, but if He does not show her with actions, those words are worth nothing. So back up your, "I love you, GOD," with actions that really show Him you mean it! And last but not least, like the cartoon portrays, do not let your anger towards someone, place a wall that blocks God out too. He does not abide in a house where hate and anger live.

Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.
Enjoy the video that inspired me to take on this challange. Beckah Shae, "Put your love glasses on."


We Don't Belong Here

'But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ' Philippians 3:20

Imagine going to visit a friend at their house. In addition to taking a casserole or something alike for them to enjoy, you also take all your belongings. Your bed, couch, clothes, TV make their way through their front door and you begin to settle in.
Your home is never given a second thought.

In much the same way, we as visitors of this world, have settled in and made it our home.
To satisfy our flesh, it is inevitable to obtain shelter, clothing and food to survive, but besides satisfying the flesh, we have begun to satisfy our heart.
Our heart which houses the Lord's Spirit, has been brought along for this visit and has settled in.

What part of this world has your heart settled in on?

Career. Financial status. New project/goals?

It isn't wrong to want to achieve things for yourself and your family while here on earth as long as your heart remains in the Lord. The Lord has said to seek His kingdom first.

When we place God above anything else, He will provide the rest according to His will.

While we engage in our endeavors, we mustn't forget that this is temporary. All of this will disappear and fade away. The Lord Himself will determine what we need while in our temporary home. Let Him guide you in your decisions while here on Earth. Let Him give you the roads you should follow.

Don't settle in, as our home is truly with Him. One day we will return home. One day we will be back where we belong.


Pot of Blessings

'Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it's in your power to help them. If you can help your neighbor now, don't say: 'come back tomorrow and then I'll help you.' Proverbs 3:27-28

When I was younger, the appearance of a rainbow, sparked curiosity to know how long the travel to find the pot of gold at the end might be.
I often imagined what my reaction would be and what I would do with the riches. My list always began with buying my parents a house, and buying lots of clothes and toys.

Many would engage in the race to find that pot of gold if it were real, and the majority would drop out of the race if the condition was to give it away to those in need.
The fact is, that in order to help others, many do not allow to be 'inconvenienced' themselves.

We all want things. We all have dreams and aspirations. Some short termed, some long.
We, in the midst of focusing on reaching what we want, become blind to what others around us need.

Some may block the thought of being a blessing to others because it could mean financially speaking.
However, blessings do not always come in monetary form.
The way the Lord has equipped you is the way you should be able to bless.

You may not have extra cash for gas, but you may be equipped with a vehicle to offer a ride.
If you're suffering financially yourself to hand money to homeless man, you may be equipped with enough food to bring him a sack lunch.
Even the ones without financial struggles, may be in need of something else.
We've been equipped with the power to pray. Do not withhold that prayer for the prayer group. Pray right then.
We've been given the power to encourage. Don't withhold comforting words because you don't know the person too well or because you're running late.Your words may be the ones they need to hear the most.
Do not withhold the power of showing Christ's love until tomorrow. We've been given the power and the opportunities to do so everyday.

When the Lord brings an opportunity our way, do not withhold the pot full of blessings in whichever form it may be in. Invite your neighbor to delight in the power that God has equipped you with.

Bless others because the Lord has blessed you.


Father God, countless are your blessings that you have poured out in my life. Allow me Father to not keep those blessings to myself, but to open my arms and let them touch others in need.
Open my eyes to see the necessities of others, and to act upon them. Allow me to be more like you in serving others.



To Know God

The Lord says, "Whoever loves me, I will save. I will protect those who know me." Psalms 92

"What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near."

We all love having peachy days, weeks, and months. We all love when  the seas are calm and the skies are blue. We all love when there are no stones on the road that we could trip over. But would you prefer a thousand years of happiness without getting to KNOW who God is, or a thousand gray that bring you to truly KNOW who God is. Tough, tough question, right?

It was not until my family and I experienced a few years of suffering, pain, unanswered prayers, and desperation, that we were able to get to know who God is, how God is, why God is, and where God is. With out conflict and without pain, I would never know, how truly Great God is, how close to us, He really is, or how much, He really loves me. I could not sing, "How Great is our God," without having passed through so much pain and then so much peace and comfort.

All those sleepless nights, led me closer to God, and led me to get to know an indescribable, amazing, God. I can tell you all about Him, but not until you go through your own pain with Him, will you get to know Him from deep inside. He is a covenant God who keeps His promises. He is a merciful, faithful God, who forgives all your iniquties and still chooses to bless you far beyond your expectations. He is a Mighty Warrior who fights till the end of the battle for your victory. He is Yahweh!

Don't give up during the battle, don't throw yourself overboard because of the storm, instead, use these trials, to get to know Him, He has promised, "I will protect those who know ME!"


A Strong Bond

'Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you.' Isaiah 49:15

One of the most beautiful things in this world, nowadays, that one can witness is the pure love a child has for their mother.
In their eyes, that maternal figure is the epitome of everything good in their small world. Everything their mother does, how she looks, her scent, her voice is held dear to their small heart.
A pure kind of love, in which when the two are together, a bonding of no other kind can be compared.

It makes me wonder, if we as God's children have ever felt in such a way to our Heavenly Father.

When we first meet the Lord, and understand what He's done, reverence and grace pour out from our heart. We view Him as the Creator and the Controller of our lives. We view Him as the provider, caregiver, and judge who seeks justice. How often though, do we see him the way a child looks at their mother?
How often do we snuggle against His chest and let Him hold us there for a few moments?

Sadly, not so much.

We've come to view God as the Omnipotent Almighty that He is and fear His laws as we should, but should that stop us from also viewing Him as our Heavenly Abba who also longs to carry us on His shoulders or kiss us on the forehead with tender grace?

If the world knew that the Lord is not a god sitting on His throne in heaven judging us with fury, but instead guiding us gently towards Him, how many would run to His feet for a chance to feel the bonding of everlasting love?
Has it been a while for you, holding back fearing that He will reprimand you?

Fear not, for the Lord doesn't reject those who seek Him. Come to Him in prayer and await as He picks you high up in the air telling you His love will never fade.


Abba Father, I stand before your presence today to say I love you because you have loved me. Your love is amazing beyond comparison. I thank you because I know nothing in this world, or death will keep your love away from me. You are my Father and I am your child. Thank you for choosing me.



What's In It for Me?

'Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain.' Psalms 119:36

'What's in it for me?'

Have you ever asked yourself that question? Possibly when having to do something that otherwise you might not have to do.
It could be a favor to someone, an additional workload from your job description, coming to a compromise with your spouse that seems a bit more in their favor, or something completely different.
The truth is that although, most of humanity has a kind heart and doesn't think twice about lending a helping hand, that same kind-hearted people will think twice when it comes to giving up something of their own, that they cherish for the good of something else.

Take a look at yourself today. If you were to make a list of 'improvements' would the list be long?

Mine is. I'm not perfect, I have a long way to be even near to it. There are many traits in each one of us that need to be molded, and sometimes completely removed.
Those traits, whatever they may be have become a part of us, and have slowly disguised themselves as something accepted.

It could be greed, disguised as being driven and determined.
Selfishness masked as protective of your hard work.
Disobedience in a costume being a 'good' person over all.

When the Lord speaks to us clearly and lets us know what area of our life needs to be changed or removed, do we listen or do we hold on to what has become part of us so long?

King David's sequence of events that led to sin, focused on his selfish gain.
Taking of Bathsheba satisfied his lust. Bringing her husband home and having him killed to cover up his deeds, satisfied keeping his name intact.
He focused on what would be of his image to the people and what would be of his name.
He placed the Lord's statutes behind him long enough to satisfy his selfish desires.

Are we guilty of the same? Yes.
We have at one time or another and maybe even still, place the Lord's statutes in the back burner while we focus on what we want for us.

From turning on the TV at the end of the day instead of reading His Word to feed your soul, to forgetting his commandments on adultery because your marriage is on the rock instead of fervently praying for its resolve.
The Lord's statutes today have been forgotten, which is why I dare to say, that it is the reason why it is a dark place to live in.
We focus on our desires, our goals, the things that bring us joy even if temporary. What about what God has from the beginning planned for us? What about the holy living that he designed for our lives?

When we begin to turn to His statutes and mark them as the only option in our lives, our selfish ways will begin to die, bringing us closer to His presence where everything is satisfied.


Lord Almighty, we stand before your presence to acknowledge that there is nothing else in this world that could satisfy like your Word. Your Word is wise and beautiful. Everything in it is for the good of our lives, everything in it is to make us prosperous in your eyes. Remind us each day to follow your statutes Lord. Remind us to be more like you.



Know before WHO you stand!

"I have kept quiet while you did these things, so you thought I was just like you...Think about this, you who forget God" Psalms 50: 21, 22

As the year begins we try to make changes that soon reach a halt and later are forgotten. A popular favorite resolution for a Christian, is to be closer to God than they were the previous year. We start of strong but as the days pass with endless, "to do's," and "want to's," we soon move down that resolution to the bottom of the list, making God last, giving Him less quantity and less quality.

What is the worst part of this seemingly inevitable "new years hype," process, is that our minds switch to believe that God is okay with us placing him after all our To Do List has been crossed out. We think, "it's ok, God understands."

What happens when we leave him last is what I previously stated, we offer Him less quantity and less quality.

Do you think the King of Kings, deserves this?

At the synagogue I attend, this following sentence is inscribed on the wall at the altar:


This new years, know before who you stand. You are not standing in front of your buddy who can be placed last, or your a human who needs to understand you have priorities and they can wait! No ma'am! No sir! Know, know, know before WHO you stand:

"I am who I am, The Only One, The Holy one of Yisrael!"

God called Moses his friend, but even to him he says, “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground. I am the God of your father,the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” Exodus 3: 5-6 Even to Moses He makes it clear, know before who you stand, you can't approach me like you would your mother, your father, nor your friend, I AM HOLY GOD!

Try to focus on that this year and approach your resolution of getting a closet and stronger relationship with God with that thought.


LOL for God

It is here. 2012 has arrived, and a new year begins.

What will be different for you this year?

We could make an ongoing list of things we want to change: lose some weight, kick a bad habit, get rid of debt. Although, those things once accomplished will bring satisfaction, how much happier will it make you?

If anything should be learned from this past year is that time definitely doesn't stay still. Time flies, and that is no longer a metaphor. The year flew by us and I'm sure that on our list of goals for 2011 there are still some left unchecked.
This year friend I would like to extend you the invitation to Live Out Loud for God.

What does that mean to you?

It means preaching the gospel each and every single day with the way you live. Love, forgive, be compassionate, help and serve others.

Be more forgiving towards your kids with their behavior. Make memories that they will cherish.
Be more loving towards your spouse. Let them see Jesus through you.
Be compassionate towards those sad eyes on the streets. Show them the grace of God.
Be helpful and serve those in need. Don't turn away when you hear of their trials, and instead use your blessings to help them.
Do away with grudges and things of the past. God forgives and forgets, and so should we.

All these things might seem easier said than done. After all, emotional hurt doesn't heal easily, but before we begin stepping away from the challenge, remember that we won't go at it alone.
Every step of the way, the Lord Almighty won't just beside you, but He will carry you through.

Live Out Loud. Live your Faith Outloud. Live His love, grace and forgiveness Out Loud.
Let others hear, and see His love towards mankind through you.