
My Beloved You are

Today on my way to work, I listened to a song that touched my heart. I want to share those lyrics with you today, as it reminds us of the passion behind God's love for us. God is not only our Savior, but our friend, Father, and beloved.

Tenth Avenue North "Beloved"
Love of my life
Look deep in my eyes
There you will find what you need
Give me your life
Lust and the lies
The past you're afraid I might see
You've been running away from me

You're my beloved
Lover I'm yours
Death shall not part us
It's you I died for
For better or worse
Forever we'll be
Our Love it unites us
It binds you to me
It's a mystery

Love of my life
Look deep in my eyes
There you will find what you need
I'am the giver of life
I'll clothe you in whine
My immaculate bride you will be
Oh come running home to me

You're my beloved
Lover I'm yours
Death shall not part us
It's you I died for
For better or worse
Forever we'll be
Our Love it unites us
It binds you to me

Well you've been a mistress, my wife
Chasing lovers it won't satisfy
Won't you let me make you my bride
You will drink of my lips
And you'll taste new life

Cause you're my beloved
Lover I'm yours
Death shall not part us
It's you I died for
For better or worse
Forever we'll be
Our Love it unites us
& it binds you to me

You're my beloved
Forever we'll be
Our love it unites us
And it binds you to me
It's a mystery
It's a mystery


I need a Savior

"Have mercy on me, O God, because of your unfailing love. You do not desire a sacrifice, or I would offer one.You do not want a burnt offering.The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit.You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God." Psalms: 51:1, 16-17

Isn't that the truth. No one can be saved without mercy and no one can have mercy without a Savior. But the world will try to tell you, but most of all show you, you may not need not one nor the other. The world will convince you it is not important. You can live your life like the rest of the human population free from ever calling on a Savior or calling out for Mercy. You can prove it yourself until God's grace steps away from your life. Then, when faced with trouble,disease, heartbreak, divorce, bankruptcy, does the world realize having a Savior to call on is not such a terrible idea, and needing mercy will be a must to get aid from that Savior. Remember 9/11? What did America do as they gathered together in Time Square? Prayed, called on a Savior. We all need a Savior, but without Mercy, we cannot come to that Savior. The awesome thing is He gives it so freely, no need for sacrifices, just a broken spirit.

So do you wait to be humbled or do you humble yourself before the Humblest of all humbles your arrogance, ignorance and pride?

I do wonder if not ignorance and pride, what keeps away my ex- Yeshua follower friends? What can be so exciting that needing a Savior is not a priority?

Sin=freedom. Ive heard it to many times, however my ex-believing friends do not call it Sin, they call it freedom from rules and regulations. I laugh because I know the only rule is found in Deuteronomy 6:5; to love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength., and that's not a hard thing to do when You invite Him in your life. Next, you do everything for love to the Savior you called on in your time of need and obeying does not feel like following a bunch of rules, it feels like honoring a Savior who showed you mercy when you did not deserve it. So the" rule excuse" only sounds valid to the unbeliever.

Do you need a Savior? Do you need mercy? This is not a rhetorical question and the answer is yes to every living human in this planet. Even to me, even to Moses, or David! They all made mistakes and needed mercy. David writes in Psalms 51; "Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me." We were all born sinners, but the greatest gift from our Savior was that gift of mercy that He offers for free, no sacrifice needed. Come, come and receive His mercy, He waits for you each day to understand a Savior you need, and Mercy you can receive.


Blow Your Horn For Victory!

When the trumpets sounded, the people shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the people gave a loud shout, the  wall collapsed. Joshua 6:20

Through my tears and heartache, the situation seemed impossible. I was spilling my heart out to my mom for what seemed like the 100th time. The pain, however, cut like the first time.
Her words were the same: 'Don't just believe in Him - Believe Him"

There's a difference. One is believing He is existent. The other is believing in the promise that doesn't fail.

Joshua and the Israelites faced a situation where just believing in God's existence would not have been enough. They needed to believe God and His words. Believing that He IS able.

It was that conviction in knowing God never fails, that they marched full of determination and passion. With their trumpets' sounds the entire city's walls collapsed.

What a sight it must've been! Walls about seventeen feet wide made of stone, falling as if made of paper.
They believed God and the walls came down JUST as He had said. At the exact moment, in the same manner He had instructed.

Believe. A simple word that sometimes entails the biggest leap of our lives. To believe, however, is to attain freedom!
Freedom from the walls holding us back in a broken marriage, a drug/alcohol addiction, a never ending pile of debt, or that unexplainable empty feeling within.
It is true that the walls look pretty high and intimidating when standing right in front of them, but today the Lord calls us to believe Him and His word when He says He is in control. That powerful word that tells us He will never forsake us. Listen today when He says to hand your problems over to Him. Take your horn, blow it loud, and stand in awe as those walls that have held you back for so long, collapse at your feet.


Heavenly Father, how majestic is your word, that encourages us to trust in You. Throughout the ages, you have proven your faithfulness for your children. Remind us to be strong as we step forward to face the walls that keep us chained and prevent us from witnessing your power.
I bring everything to you, knowing that you already have an answer and is paving the way for my victory.



When His "No" Brings Pain.

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways  and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9

They had built up high hopes. They'd made a list of projects that they would implement and as the days passed, the vision grew and the passion inside began to burn. The plans were lifted up in prayer for many weeks, and then the day came to reveal God's answer.

His answer was No.

It hits you like a ton of bricks, and the answer can sometimes be bewildering, and painful. Our prayers are always towards good. A mission trip,. A new ministry. A good job. A loving companion. Healing for a loved one. When God answers with what we expect the least, it hurts.

Hanna knew this pain all too well. Year after year, her womb remained closed. God had answered no. It was a pure prayer. Wanting to be a mother had no wrong in itself. But God, although, hurt inside to see His daughter cry bitterly, He knew it was best to tell her no year after year - until the time was right.

Her son, Samuel played a very important role in history. He was used by the Lord to counsel the first two kings of Israel. It was his hand that anointed God's beloved King David, whose lineage our Saviour, Jesus in the form of man, belongs to.
Samuel's birth was placed perfectly in God's timeline for greatness.

We are not exempt from the greatest story the world will ever know where God is the screenwriter and director. Sometimes standing backstage we'll rehearse our lines over and over in our head. We'll want to jump out into the stage when we feel it's time. God, however, will pull us back and hold us there until it's the perfect timing.
We can rest assured that every detail of our lives has been planned out by our wonderful Creator.

When God says no it may hurt. But know this. When God says no, it's Him saying: 'My beloved, I have something beyond your imagination for you. This is not it. Trust in Me.'


Heavenly Father, how great are your works that our minds could never wrap around them. Your ways are beyond what we could ever comprehend, and it is knowing that you love me so much that gives me comfort in your plans for me. Remind me each day that my days are covered by your grace and mercy.



Vanishing Distance

"When I observe Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You set in place, what is man that You remember him, the son of man that You look after him?" Psalms 8: 3-4

Sometimes I find it hard to imagine how much God loves me. I find it hard when I have distanced myself from Him. I do not necessarily have to stop going to church and start going to clubs to feel some type of distance between Him and I. I simply just need to stop calling and/or listening to Him and that cold distance appears. Can you relate? Have you found yourself feeling guilty for not seeking God like you have in the past? Number one rule: Do not try to make yourself feel better. Sounds harsh? Well, yes, we are all humans, we all make mistakes, but a mistake is a wrong action proceeding from inadequate knowledge, and we are to try to never make the same mistake twice! Second, recognize that this feeling of guilt may just be the Holy Spirit nudging your heart to make a change. But third, remember that God still loves You.

I came across Psalms 8 when I was asked to choose a Psalm in church one day, and read it aloud to the congregation. As I read it, I felt God pour out His love on us, reminding us what He has given to us as symbols of His deep love. Linger on the third rule, that God is so in love with us even when we make mistakes. Even when your actions place distance between your relationship with your Heavenly Father. Remember that there are greater things than us humans, like the stars and the Heavens, yet God remembers us everyday, blesses us everyday, protects us everyday, loves us everyday.

And the fourth rule, do not delay your return. As soon as you run back to Him, that distance will vanish and your relationship with Him, will begin once again to grow and grow! And when you find yourself once again feeling guilty with distance on the way, start back at one!


It is not in the Pearls or Gold

And women should dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or peals or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 1 Timothy 2:9-10

I love my high heels. I love nice necklaces. I love make-up and the possibilities of it. I love dressing up with printed fabric and the more color, the better. So when I came across this verse, it stopped me dead in my tracks.
A twinge of rebelliousness came over me questioning whether this verse was applicable to this modern day and age.

As I pondered more on its meaning, and read the entire context, I realized that God is not urging us to throw out our entire wardrobe, but to acquire spiritual characteristics that will outlast any pump, necklace, or dress. Characteristics that are found in the heart when Jesus resides in it.

If we as women profess to worship God, then so it be shown in our actions.

Modesty in the way we speak to bless others, instead of using spiteful words.
Propriety in praying for those who have hurt you, as it is the same manner Jesus had.
Quietness to hear God's voice for our lives and submission to His word proclaiming Him Adonai.

Upon meeting people they may not remember what color dress you wore, if you wore pearls or gold. They will however, remember our gentle spirit, modesty, trustworthiness, and propriety that God himself delights in.

Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.- 1 peter 3:4


God Almighty, how great and thoughtful is your work that you have created men and women different in every way. You have given us women, a gentle softer voice and manner for a reason.
Remind us that as women we should act in the way that you urge us to be. Help us recognize when we are using a malicious tongue, or adorning ourselves with things that do not please you. Help us all be more like you.


Feasting on the delicacies of gossip

"Lord, set up a guard for my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips... Do not let me feast on their delicacies." Psalm 141: 3, 4

Blessed are the hard of hearing for they shall miss much idle gossip --Unknown

She picked up the phone, her voice sounded sad since she knew by caller id, who was calling. "I am sorry for everything that came out my mouth." I said. "It's OK," she replied, and just like that, the call ended and a friendship did too.

I was sixteen and a Junior in High School. Out of all the temptations in High School a teenager can walk into, gossip is the most enticing because it seems the least sinful. Something had happened between two of my best friends, each told me their side of the story and soon I was caught in the middle. I decided to feast on gossips delicacies and took one of my friend's sides, and with out even witnessing what had truly happened, just having heard it by mouth, I started telling all of our friends what the "other" friend had done to the friend I sided with. By the end of the week, no one wanted to talk to my now, "ex-friend," and she and I passed each other by as if we were complete strangers. She confronted me in the bathroom one day, and gave me no chance to explain myself; she had all the right. I called her sometime after that and apologized, but our bond as friends died, and took a long time to build up again.

We make mistakes as youth, I know, but sometimes now as adults we can still find ourselves getting into the same mess as we did when we were young. I love how the key verse is a plea to have God keep WATCH at the door of our lips! If we asked God that prayer, passionately every morning, I know, gossip would not get past The Watchman. God hates a gossiping tongue. We can find this through many verses in the bible and it makes sense, we were created to praise our Creator,  use our mouths to build-up, use our tongues to encourage and motivate.

When faced with a person or situation that is difficult and needs some attention, instead of criticizing them, you need to go to that person and tell them what the bible says about that situation, "Let the righteous strike me-it is an act of faithful love; let him rebuke me- it is oil for my head; let me not refuse it." psalm 141: 5 But remember to back up every of your points with love, mercy but above all, the Word of God.

Remember, gossip is a sin, yet we fall for it every time, because it "seems," the least sinful, but can do so much damage!


'Some urged me to kill you, but I spared you; I said 'I will not life my hand against you, the Lord's anointed.'
1 Samuel 24:10

A summer in Texas is no picnic. Triple digits mean higher energy bills, bored kids avoiding going outside, unattractive front lawns, and pesky uninvited guests looking for cooler weather.

My kitchen sink was covered with fire ants walking in a single file towards the faucet. It was the second time that day. I made myself absolutely clear of their unwelcomed status by spraying them with insecticide. (sorry insect lovers).

As I watch them scurry in panic, I noticed something quite interesting. Although their life was clearly in danger, some of the ants attempted to pick up a 'wounded comrade' rather than leaving them alone to die!
It was pretty amazing.

Obnoxious these creatures are to say the least, but possessing a lesson we ought to learn from - helping your fellow brother.

If we were to take a step back for a moment and begin to reflect on all the relationships we've established along the way, can we count the times that we've carried a brother instead of trampling over them?

The race for survival whether that means obtaining better material things, grabbing a title/position for fame, or just bobbing your head above the water higher than the rest, can become brutal and will eventually destroy us.

King David understood, that it was not up to Him to attack the man who desired to kill him. He understood that His job was to forgive, comfort, and love the one that God had placed in his path.

I want to make it also clear that trampling over your brother doesn't have to be so obvious. Sometimes allowing ungodly thoughts about others to creep in our mind, can be just as deadly, although we may not make it known to others. When this occurs, we must yank up the weed by its root with Christ as our focus.

Friends, may we remember today, how productive our spiritual lives can be if we only allow ourselves to be like Jesus, who sacrificed His life for 'wounded comrades' who would otherwise be left to die.


Father Almighty, in everything we do, you are the prime example of how our lives should be led. There is none like you and we pray that in each day, that you mold our spirit to become more of you and less of us.
Thank you for your grace. Forever and ever.



Enticing Friends

"My son, if sinners entice you, don't be persuaded...It is foolish to spread a net where any bird can see it, but they set an ambush to kill themselves; they attack their own lives." proverbs 1:10; 17-18

I remember each summer, usually near the time school was about to start again,how my mother would always pray with my sister and I about the friends God would be putting on our way that school year. She always prayed that we would have friends who would build us up and not down, who would know Him too, and that way not be a bad influence on us, but a positive one. My son has not started school yet, however, my not-so-little sister will be starting her Junior year, this coming Fall Semester and my precious, defenseless nephews, will be starting a new school. It is true that what you are taught you too will imitate, and I too have imitated this prayer for my sweet nephews and sister.

I am sure each of us have some level of anxiety as our children begin the school year, but we must remember to instruct, talk, and pray with them, about potential friendships that they will have to end or not make due to the consequences they can have on their little but so very important lives.

As we lecture and pray for our children, we too must consider the relationships we have made along the way. Yes, we are no longer children, but that does not mean that bad influences cannot creep into our lives as adults. Do not be persuaded by friends who entice you to do something you know does not feel right and is not right! We all have friends who do not believe in God, and that is okay, we must reach out to them, but do not allow them to change you. You will be invited to go to clubs or bars for a birthday bash or a promotion celebration, but remember always what the wisdom of God declares,  "don't be persuaded...It is foolish to spread a net where any bird can see it, but they set an ambush to kill themselves; they attack their own lives." Do not make a trap for yourself to fall into and later not be able to get out of it. So many Christians I know, proclaim they can walk into a club and since God lives in their heart, they will not drink or sin! God never asked them to do this and saying YOU CAN do that, is trusting on their own strength and depending on themselves and not God.

The instructions your parents gave you as kids regarding the type of friends you were and were not to make are still ever so important as adults. If you feel that ever since hanging out with a certain friend you gossip more, lie more, curse more, and even do things you never did before, distance yourself self from that relationship before, like the Word of God says, "you attack your own life."