
When His "No" Brings Pain.

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways  and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9

They had built up high hopes. They'd made a list of projects that they would implement and as the days passed, the vision grew and the passion inside began to burn. The plans were lifted up in prayer for many weeks, and then the day came to reveal God's answer.

His answer was No.

It hits you like a ton of bricks, and the answer can sometimes be bewildering, and painful. Our prayers are always towards good. A mission trip,. A new ministry. A good job. A loving companion. Healing for a loved one. When God answers with what we expect the least, it hurts.

Hanna knew this pain all too well. Year after year, her womb remained closed. God had answered no. It was a pure prayer. Wanting to be a mother had no wrong in itself. But God, although, hurt inside to see His daughter cry bitterly, He knew it was best to tell her no year after year - until the time was right.

Her son, Samuel played a very important role in history. He was used by the Lord to counsel the first two kings of Israel. It was his hand that anointed God's beloved King David, whose lineage our Saviour, Jesus in the form of man, belongs to.
Samuel's birth was placed perfectly in God's timeline for greatness.

We are not exempt from the greatest story the world will ever know where God is the screenwriter and director. Sometimes standing backstage we'll rehearse our lines over and over in our head. We'll want to jump out into the stage when we feel it's time. God, however, will pull us back and hold us there until it's the perfect timing.
We can rest assured that every detail of our lives has been planned out by our wonderful Creator.

When God says no it may hurt. But know this. When God says no, it's Him saying: 'My beloved, I have something beyond your imagination for you. This is not it. Trust in Me.'


Heavenly Father, how great are your works that our minds could never wrap around them. Your ways are beyond what we could ever comprehend, and it is knowing that you love me so much that gives me comfort in your plans for me. Remind me each day that my days are covered by your grace and mercy.


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