
Welcome to After God's Own Heart!

We are so thrilled you stopped by and hope that you can find an inspiring word to quench your thirsty soul.

After God's Own Heart began in January 2011 with a vision two sisters had, to use God's word to minister to others and to themselves as well.
It's has been a learning process full of blessing to abide by His word each day.

Leah Martinez is a mother, wife, daughter and sister who has been saved by grace. She was raised in a Christian home, however, it is in her adulthood that she's come to know JesusChrist as her best friend and lover of her soul. She loves to paint and sing. Her passion is to minister to the youth at her church and hopes to one day write a book geared towards the new generations.

Danitza Avila is married and has two beautiful children, Sebastian 5 and Suri 5 months old.
In her past time, she enjoys cooking and trying her hand at new dishes and watching movies.
She also enjoys spending every free minute with her son, Sebastian
Danitza has a passion for understanding more of God's word and attends Congregation Beth Messiah Synagoge in Houston, TX. She is currently working on obtaining her Bachelor's in Pediatric Psychiatry.

Thank you so much for stopping by to meet us and we again hope that this page can be a blessing to your quiet times with God.

God bless you!