
Heirs to Grace

'Because you are His sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out Abba, Father. So you are no longer a slave but God's child; and since you are His child, God has also made you an heir.' Galatians 4:6-7

Whenever we visit family, unless it's my parents or sister, I always feel the need to use caution while in their home.
I don't feel entitled to just grab the remote and turn on the TV or wander into their fridge to satisfy any craving without asking permission first.
The answer I receive from them is always the same though, "of course, help yourself!"
When we're in a setting that doesn't belong to us, it's difficult to feel at ease and comfortable.
It takes the warmth and kindness of someone else to give you an inviting feeling.
Looking at our spiritual lives, it may be we've felt the same at a certain point.
Let's face it, we're flesh and because of it, we will fall and make mistakes.
When we recognize our mistake, it may sometimes get awkward or uneasy coming into the Lord's presence. After all, our sin must be marked all over our face!

A man I know, who use to have a developing interest in seeking God, said that he no longer tries to get closer in his spiritual walk, because if a sin that he committed in his past. It'd be too much hypocrisy to go back.
Sadly, he remains away from God's presence shackled by the chains of sin.
Little does that man realize, as many of us do, that God has a fridge filled with grace that He's just waiting for us to open and satisfy that craving of peace and forgiveness.
We visit His home with caution, because we feel it is not our place to seek Him or attempt an intimate relationship with Him.
If we would realize that we no longer are slaves to our sin, because Jesus has broken every chain, we would leap into His arms, and be surprised that no shackles are holding us back.
Instead we are heirs of all He has to offer because of grace. That amazing loving grace that although we can never repay, is being offered by the Lord to satisfy our souls each and every day.

We are no longer daughters and sons of sin. Our past sin no longer defines us, no matter what's been done. His promise, which we are heirs to because of Jesus Christ, redeems us and gives us a life of hope and peace.

How great is it to be called His children. The Maker of the universe, our Father.

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