
Day 1 Study: Letting God guide

Good morning friends!

Wherever you may call home, I hope you are enjoying a cooler morning today. The weather is just beautiful!

This morning we are going to begin with day 1 of our study questions based on:
'Because you are His sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out Abba, Father. So you are no longer a slave but God's child; and since you are His child, God has also made you an heir.' Galatians 4:6-7

On this week's devotional, God allows us to see that we've become not only His children, but also heirs to His goodness and what He has to offer. We are no longer slaves of sin.

It may be possible though, that despite of this powerful word God has given us, many of us walk around in shame feeling defined by the sin that lived in us. We refuse to forgive ourselves for it, and replay it in our minds and in our lives from time to time.

What is preventing you from letting go of that sin? What has you bound that prevents you from coming to His feet to surrender it all?

Acknowledging what part of your life you still hold on to and refuse to let go of, is one of the first steps to encountering holy surrender.
Place yourself in prayer today and allow the Lord to guide you in what still has you captive.

May this day be full of blessings.

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