
Day 2: Changes

Let's begin.

This week's devotional reminds us that we are no longer considered slaves to sin, but now can be called heirs of the Lord.

'Because you are His sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out Abba, Father. So you are no longer a slave but God's child; and since you are His child, God has also made you an heir.' Galatians 4:6-7

We hope that during yesterday's study time, the Lord was able to reveal to you the sin that you are still holding on to, making you still a slave. I pray that as He reveals to you what He wants you to let go of, that you will be able to surrender it to His feet.

During this day's study, we encourage you to ask the Lord in prayer how to go about it.
Change is not always easy, especially if it is something that you've held on to for a long time. Sometimes, we will try to make excuses and try to justify our actions, attempting to make them seem natural or not that bad.
How can you make the radical change to let go of that sin that still has you bound?

I hope that this day is filled with revelation from God to help you in turning that chapter in your life, and begin the story He has for you as His heir.

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