
Blessings Not Found in Stores

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal
Matthew 6:19-20

My son grinned from ear to ear as proudly held up his folder. His behavior clip at school had remained on the color green. It was a great achievement for him, as before this, his folder looked like confetti had blown up with the yellow, orange and red circles from weeks past.
'What are you going to buy me?' he asked
'I'm going to give you a BIG high five and an extra cookie at snack time.' I answered
The screams and cries that followed really surprised me, but also upset me.

It was crazy that he could only associate a reward with a new toy. Anything else seemed meaningless.
In his eyes he had done a good enough job to deserve something new.

But a lot of people are wired that way. We believe that as long as we live by the book, that we should be showered with constant blessings. And blessings are great to receive, however, the problem is when the blessings we expect to receive are those that are material possesions.
When those blessings don't appear in our life, we sulk and throw a tantrum beginning to wonder why God doesn't send more money, a new car or the ability to travel like the neighbors or co-workers. Especially when with our earthly eyes, we see them dishonoring the Lord. And we begin to associate blessings with material possessions.

So this begs the question of God's prescense in times of need? Is God absent when our car battery dies and money is tight already? Has He stopped blessing us when we can't seem to catch a break from our constant sicknesses? Has God withheld His blessings when months pass and your loved one seems to stray further away?

Although the answer is no, some may believe that He's not choosing to bless us. We may even begin to wonder what we are being punished for. We expect to see our life easy going if we're abiding by His word.
But God's true blessings are those that you cannot swipe your credit card for. His blessings are those that are eternal.
God showers us with blessings that will produce patience, virtue, faith, wisdom, courage and perseverance.
These are the kind of blessings that God showers with, when to the world we seem the least blessed. These blessings do not rot or fade away. Instead they bring us closer to the Father, which is the great reward of all.


Lord, I am humbled today by your presence which never leaves. I thank you for all the blessings that you pour in my life, and I pray that you open my eyes to recognize each and every one of them. Thank you Abba Father for how much you love me that you would give me something that never fades away but draws me closer to you.


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