
I enthrall the King.

The king is enthralled with your beauty, honor Him with your beauty. Psalms 45:11

Has anyone told you that you are beautiful?
Whether by your spouse, friend or a parent we hear one time or another those beautiful words:
'You're beautiful.'

Depending in what area of your life you may be at, those words may uplift you and encourage you to head the world head on or they might sting if you're feeling less than beautiful.

When my King looks down at me I might feel the latter on most days. I am impatient, worrisome, and proud on my worst days. When I come to the King's feet to surrender myself, my head bows down in embarrasment for not honoring Him like I should.

How amazing it is, that my King as I am surrendered at His feet, lifts my head up by my chin and tells me:
'You're beautiful my child.'

Not only are we beautiful to Him. He is enthralled by our beauty. He is captivated by us. He is rejoicing in our beauty.
Not from anything that we have done. Not from anything that we say or think, but from who we are in Him.

He makes things new. He makes things beautiful. The plans that He has designed for my life are beautiful.
He sees that when we humble ourselves. He looks at the plans He's detailed for us and His eyes glimmer in knowing that when we surrender, when we pour out our burdens, we are the most beautiful creation.

Let my lips honor your name forever Lord.
Let my hands speak of your mercy and grace.
Let my eyes look with kindness upon others.
Let my heart forgive as you've forgiven me time and time again.

Allow me to be more like you, that my beauty will shine and give you glory. Let my spiritual beauty enthrall you forever Lord.

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