
Practice Makes Brighter

'The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.' Proverbs 4:18

We've heard it before: 'practice makes perfect'

What sometimes seems as something that we'll never be able to learn by heart becomes easier with time as we practice. It slowly but steadily becomes second nature to us.

Although, the Lord's word is full of wisdom and goodness for our lives, we can sometimes struggle with following His ways and listening to His will. In our thoughts, His will seems difficult to follow when things don't make sense. We look at our present situation, and begin to move the chess pieces according to what we see fit, according to what would make us the least uncomfortable.

The Lord says the path we are on as we follow Him is narrow, and as we begin to let go of our will and hang on to His, it may seem like a small dot of light in the darkness we've been dwelling in. Our footsteps as we begin, will be wobbly like that of a newborn calf trying to find steady steps. With constant attempts to stand tall, our wobbly steps will get firmer and stronger. Our steps towards following the Lord will soon be strides and leaps towards His loving will.

It seems difficult to listen and follow at first, but when our focus in on Him and His loving will for our lives, the Master will teach us to walk, run, and leap towards Him. It's a daily exercise that we must engage in by reading His word, spending time in prayer, worshipping His name. Constant worship is what transforms our desire to do our will into yearning His. Suddenly, we will shine like the light of day for all to see. We will reflect His being to the world. We will embody who He is and what we are made for; to give Him glory towards the ends of the earth.

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