
Blessed Imprints.

'The righteous lead blameless lives; blessed are their children after them.' Proverbs 20:7

First impression is everything, they say, when meeting someone.
You want to be remembered and usually, remembered as a great person.
Whether it is at a job interview, we dress the part and make sure that we are well fluent, to be remembered as the perfect candidate.
On a first date, our goal is to make sure that the person on the other side of the table, also remembers our vibrant personality and the color of our eyes.

Although, that might be difficult or stressful on some level to some as you only get one chance; leaving a lasting every day impression on someone is a different and probably more difficult task.

Probably, because the difficulty of it, depends on the heart of the person making that impression.

I find, that as a parent, every day I am leaving imprints on my kids' minds and hearts.
Rather difficult to remember, when having only three minutes to leave for school, a glass of milk is spilled and a shirt has to be changed. That's where the importance of knowing God as our Father comes in.

When I think of all the spilled glasses of milk, I've had in my lifetime, I've seen He's forgiven me with grace time and time again.

Throughout the day, I realize I have many opportunities to leave those imprints in them.
When a driver cuts me off on the road and how I react, shows them what kind of grace we should show to those that cause us upset.
During a conversation on the phone with a friend, if I choose to gracefully decline gossip over lending my ear to it, will remind them judging others is not what Jesus has taught.
When I encounter a thirsty soul and choose to lend a helping hand, it will teach them love for humanity, instead of showing scorn for it.

Little details, that when we feel they are not watching, is when they most are.

As parents, mentors, or older siblings, we have a calling to shine the light in our children's lives. That is one of our greatest ministries.

Everyone of us wants nothing but the best for our children, and when it comes to education, or material things, we strive to give it. In the same manner, we should also strive to give them the best examples of what it means to have God as our Father.

The imprints we leave in their hearts today, will carry on into their adulthood and be a blessing to them and to others around them, including their own children.
When we allow ourselves to live according to God's heart, and lead blameless lives, their hearts will be touched leaving an everlasting legacy for generations to come.

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